Vineland Elementary
Positive Behavior Intervention support
Revised 8/2017
Table of Contents
Purpose Statement
Team Information
PBIS Basics
Behavior Matrix
PBIS Expectation Overview
Rewards and Praise
Discouraging Inappropriate Behavior
Purpose Statement
Vineland Elementary
Purpose Statement
The purpose of the Vineland Elementary school wide discipline plan is to create a safe and consistent school culture that encourages appropriate behaviors to improve academic performance.
Team Information
Roles and responsibilities
Vineland elementary
Tier I
Mary Ribble (Principal)
Becky Hancock (4th Grade)
Develop agenda and send to team members
Facilitate meeting
Follow-up on assigned tasks
Seek input from staff and other committees
Sheila Smith (6th grade teacher)
Jennifer Sullivan (5th grade teacher)
Database Manager
Kami Johnson ( Counselor)
Prepare summary of ODR data
Organize and print Big 5 ODR
Present update on standard data
Lead data discussion
Share data highlight with staff
Collect any other necessary data
Communication Coordinator
Joanna Fischer (3rd grade teacher)
Collect and compile staff feedback/input
Share compiled staff feedback/input
Report to staff
Coordinate written communication between team and staff
Time Keeper
Betsy Weber (Title 1 teacher)
Confirm time slots on agenda
Maintain time limits and beginning and ending times
Use established signal to keep team on task
Team Cheerleader
Bobbie Eades (special ed. teacher)
Heather Hoisington (1st grade teacher)
Jennifer Muniz ( 2nd grade teacher)
Brenda Nickelson( Kindergarten Teacher)
Summarize recognition activities for staff
Provide updates on staff recognition activities
Chair the planning for staff celebrations and recognitions
Plan and carry out targeted recognition to staff
Carly Selsor (4th grade teacher)
Maintain electronic database of team products (e.g. systems tools, forms, data collection forms etc.) and backup database regularly
Make updates or edits to products and disseminate
Tier II Team Members
Administrator- Annie Hammond ( Assistant Principal)
Tier I Cross over Team Member- Kami Johnson (counselor)
Behavior Intervention- Jackie Kruse (Sped),
Regular Education Teacher: Denise Bradley (1st grade),
Academic Intervention- Kami Johnson (counselor)
Tier III Team Members
Administrator- Annie Hammond ( Assistant Principal) & Mary Ribble( Principal)
Tier I Cross over Team Member- Andrea Richardson & Kami Johnson (counselor)
Behavior Intervention- Billie Jo Borella (Sped),
Regular Education Teacher: Michelle Mullins (1st grade),
Counselors- Andrea Richardson & Kami Johnson (counselor)
PBIS Team Meeting 2017-2018
Tier I
(First Monday of the Month)
PBIS Team Meeting 2017-2018
Tier II
(Second Tuesday of the Month)
PBIS Team Meeting 2017-2018
Tier III
(Second Friday of the Month Before & Fourth Wednesday after school )
8:00-8:30/ 3:45-5:00
8:00-8:30/ 3:45-5:00
8:00-8:30/ 3:45-5:00
8:00-8:30/ 3:45-5:00
8:00-8:30/ 3:45-5:00
8:00-8:30/ 3:45-5:00
8:00-8:30/ 3:45-5:00
8:00-8:30/ 3:45-5:00
8:00-8:30/ 3:45-5:00
8:00-8:30/ 3:45-5:00
What is Positive Behavior Intervention Support?
Positive Behavior Intervention Support is a proactive systems approach to put strategies in place for all children while building in support for those at risk and/or those who receive special education services for behavior problems.
Understanding the Science of Behavior
Behavior is a form of communication and some students learn that problem behavior is the best way to get their needs met. As adults, we need to recognize that recurring misbehavior occurs for a reason and need to take this into account when determining how to respond to misbehavior. When we identify the function or purpose of the behavior, we can more effectively intervene.
When working to understand chronic behavior patterns, keep in mind ABC:
What happens before (A or antecedent) the behavior occurs- what is the trigger?
What is the behavior (B)?
What happens after (C or outcome/Consequence) the behavior occurs?
Remember that behavior is functional; it is not “good” or “bad”. It is functional because it pays off in some way and the student is encouraged to repeat the behavior.
An example of the relationship between PBIS and the Science of Behavior:
Antecedent (A)
Conditions and circumstances that increase the probability of a behavior occurring. What happens before the behavior?
PBIS Example
Hallway rules and routines are established and taught. Expectations are posted on the school-wide matrix.
Teacher gives a pre-correct before class enters the hallway.
Behavior (B)
Observable behavior the student displays.
PBIS Example
Student keeps voice quiet, body to self, and walks on the right (behaviors from the school-wide matrix).
Consequences (C)
What happens after the behavior? By definition a consequence either increases (REINFORCEMENT) or decreases (PUNISHMENT) the likelihood the behavior will recur in the future.
PBIS Example
Teacher gives specific verbal recognition.
Why Positive Behavior Intervention Support?
Students struggle with addressing problem behavior for a variety of reasons, including:
Students are more different from each other than similar
Multiple initiatives compete and overlap
School climates are reactive and controlling
School organizational structures and processes are inefficient and ineffective
Public demand is high for greater academic accountability and achievement
Attempts to respond to these challenges often result in an over-reliance on the use of aversive and exclusionary consequences. For example, teachers respond to chronic problem behavior by increasing their use of verbal reprimands, loss of privileges, and in-school suspension. If student behavior does not improve school system increase their reactive responses.
How do we see Good behavior more often in our classroom and other areas of our school?
Here are some things that teachers can do to encourage positive behavior in the regular classroom setting:
Teach, practice, and reteach
Reinforce expected behavior (see example below)
Pre-correct and remind students of expectations
Interventions for Problem Behaviors
Our building’s reason for implementing PBS is to give teachers more time for instruction. By doing this we are also providing students with feedback and reinforcement to help them succeed in all areas. To be successful in these areas we need to give students regular, specific, and positive feedback and reinforcement to help them achieve our expectations of safety, respect, and responsibility.
Why Regular, Specific, and Positive Feedback?
Feedback helps create a positive and predictable environment.
A positive environment provides a higher ratio of positive (praise referrals) to negative (office referrals).
A positive environment is one in which compliance receives more attention than non-compliance.
Students in a classroom with higher rations of positives to negatives will have increased time in learning (students demonstrate the behavior we give the most attention to).
Feedback should be:
Contingent on students meeting expectations.
Specific about what behavior met the expectations.
Genuine in tone and intent (No sarcasm), students don’t understand sarcasm, no matter the maturity level.
The critical element of any incentive system is not the token, or tangible, but rather the social acknowledgment and interaction between the student and the school. When we reinforce appropriate behavior by the use of Praise Referrals (tangible) or other classroom reward system, or use of verbal praise (intrinsic) we should also state what specific social skill the reward is for (ex. “I noticed you were using your words to solve the problem.”), state what expectation (be respectful, be responsible, be safe) the student was demonstrating (ex. “You were respecting others by using the correct voice level.”), and provide a social acknowledgement (ex. “Excellent Job”).
Other examples are “Everyone at this table is working together and using materials responsibly. Good job.” and “Nice job walking quietly in the hallway. You are being respectful to other classes.”
In any incentive system, plans should also be developed to fade the use of tangible rewards while verbal feedback and other natural outcomes remain which would shift positive reinforcement from tangible to social, external to internal, frequent to infrequent, and predictable to unpredictable (Sugai & Tindal, 1993). However, children are not born intrinsically motivated. This level of development is achieved as the child moves through the development cycle. We are also talking about new learning that we want to see consistently so we must reinforce often and consistently to establish the behaviors at this time. Later we will reduce the frequency of the reinforcement.
Vineland Elementary Positive Behavior Matrix
All Areas
Voice Levels
*Follow Directions
*Keep hands and feet to self
*Be where you belong
*Remain seated
*Face forward in seats.
*Body and objects stay in window.
*Face forward in line
*Eat your own food
*Knees under the table.
*Face forward
*Report visitors without a visitor pass.
*Follow stars
*Keep your feet on the floor
*Three at a time
*Keep water and soap in sink
*Walk to and from playground
*Stay in designated areas
*Use equipment as designed
*Keep track of your belongings.
*Be prepared with supplies and assignments.
*Keep school areas clean and neat.
*Watch for your stop.
*Keep aisles and seats clean.
*Report any problems to the bus driver.
*Report all spills
*Throw away all trash in the trashcan.
*Take the correct # of items.
*Walk in the 2nd tile from the right.
*Follow stars.
*Flush toilet
*Wash hands with soap and water
*Throw all paper towels in trash
*Line up when the whistle blows
*Report all injuries
* Use kind words.
* Use appropriate voice levels in each setting.
*Be on time
*Use appropriate language
*Return tray to assigned area
*Use table manners
*Raise your hand if you need help
*Respect hallway decorations
*Respect privacy
*Use the bathroom for intended purposes
*Do not deface walls.
*Cooperate with others
*Invite others to join in.
* Level 0 when entering the building.
Hallway procedures
For students
Be safe,
Be responsible,
Be respectful,
For Adults
Remain on schedule for activities that require travel.
Remind students about hallway expectation every time entering the hall.
Model appropriate hallway behaviors by using a Level 0 Voice and keeping conversations to a minimum.
Adults will encourage appropriate hallway behavior by complimenting classes/students who are demonstrating expected behavior.
Restroom procedures
For Students
Be safe,
I will keep my feet on the floor.
I will use the restroom three at a time.
I will keep water and soap in the sink.
Be responsible
Be respectful,
I will respect others privacy.
I will use the restroom for its intended purpose.
I will wait my turn.
I will keep my voice level at a 0.
For Adults
Cafeteria procedures
For Students
Be safe,
Be responsible,
Be respectful,
I will return my tray to the assigned area.
I will use table manners.
I will raise my hand if I need help.
I will keep my voice level at a 0 or 1 depending on the direction from cafeteria aides.
Classroom Teachers
Remind students of cafeteria expectations prior to arriving in the cafeteria.
Walk students to cafeteria and arrive on time.
Check to make sure no other assistance is needed before leaving the cafeteria.
For Cafeteria Aides
Monitor students walking to seats and give specific feedback to students meeting their responsibilities as well as redirection for those students who need reteaching and practice.
Circulate continuously to monitor and reinforce student behavior.
Monitor student clean up and cafeteria dismissal.
Adults supervising should limit side conversations and remain in assigned area to monitor students.
Give compliments to classes meeting/displaying expectations.
Students should use the restroom during lunch only in an emergency.
Practice procedures and expectations using PBIS language with students who struggle in the cafeteria with the assistance of a PBS team member if needed.
Remember to praise publicly and redirect as privately as possible.
Recess procedures
For Students
Be safe,
I will walk to and from the playground
I will stay in designated areas.
I will use the equipment as designed.
Be responsible,
Be respectful,
I will cooperate with others.
I will invite others to join in.
I will keep my voice at a level 0 when walking into the building from recess.
For Adults
Remind students of expectations for recess.
Provide active supervision and spread yourself out with other staff to cover all play areas adequately.
Make certain you know the playground expectations and use the common PBIS language with students (i.e. the 3 B’s).
Be consistent with the expectations you have for students.
Listen to the students and assist them with problem solving.
If students need more than one redirection or do not respond to you respectfully, have them stand apart from other students. Give them a little time to think about their choices, and then process with them about their job on the playground and what their plan is to do better.
Make certain all students stay within sight of the supervisors.
Make sure there is a visual handoff of classes from recess supervisor to classroom teacher. Adults should not assume students “just know” where to go.
Classroom teacher need to be prompt when picking up students from recess.
Classroom procedure
For Students
Be safe,
Be responsible
I will keep track of my belongings
I will be prepared with supplies and assignments.
I will keep school areas clean and neat.
Be respectful
For Adults
Review all setting expectation prior to activity.
Staff members should be in an area that helps them to easily monitor students.
Staff member should model appropriate behavior. Please leave student work and reading material in your classroom. (I.e. teachers should not grade papers during the activity.
Bus procedure
For Students
Be safe,
Be responsible,
Be respectful,
For Classroom Teachers
Remind students of bus expectations.
Actively monitor students at all times.
Be on time and ready to go to the buses.
A “visual handoff” should be made from classroom teacher to each student’s bus.
Bus procedure
For Adults
Teachers will routinely review bus expectations with class.
Keep bus lists current. Make sure this is available for subs.
Help provide individual support for students with bus behavior problems.
If a student is not meeting an expectation, after being reminded, a bus discipline referral will be given by driver and will be signed by the principal.
Bus drivers will submit a “Bus Rider of the Month” on the 1st of every month to the office.
Morning arrival procedure
For Students
At 8:15 students that are not eating breakfast will enter the gym.
At 8:15 students that ARE eating breakfast will enter the side foyer door and go straight to the cafeteria.
When students are finished eating breakfast they will go to the gym if before 8:30 and to their classrooms, if after 8:30.
ALL Students K-6 will be dismissed by morning duty teachers at 8:30 to go to their classrooms.
For Teachers
Teachers should be in the building by 8:30.
Teachers should be visible at their duty area or classroom door at 8:30 to monitor or greet the students.
All teachers should be visible and interacting positively with students, by greeting them outside the classroom door.
Dismissal procedure
ALL dismissals will be announced over the intercom. (Do not send students to designated areas until the announcement is made).
3:30 - Parent Pick-Up & TASK
3:35 - 6th grade buses
3:36 - 5th and 3rd grade buses
3:38 - 4th and 2nd grade buses
3:40 - K and 1st grade buses
Parent Pick-Up – Students will be dismissed at 3:30 and will walk to designated area. Students should continue to follow all expectations.
Bus Riders – Teachers will walk students to the buses when their grade level is called over the intercom. Students should follow their teacher through the bus line. Students will then board buses.
For Classroom Teachers
Send any notes regarding dismissal change to the office.
Keep dismissal procedure current on all students. Keep an updated bus list for sub.
Have students ready to go and be on time for dismissal.
Remind students of dismissal expectations.
Parent Pick-Up Procedure
For Duty teachers
Remind students of expectation.
Know each rotation position.
All parents who are picking up their children must have a PPU sign. If a parent does not have a PPU sign, then they will need to pick up their child in the office.
Behavior Duty Teacher– make sure students are quiet and line up when called. When you hear a name called make sure the student moves toward the line.
Calling Names – the ONLY responsibility this person is to have is to call out the names.
Door – one person needs to line students up, release the students outside and call for the next group to come forward. They need to be efficient, yet safe. They wait for the signal from the person outside to release. Then they wait to see if anyone is still missing from the group.
Front of the Line – Parents need to pull up far enough to ensure we can get at least 18 cars up the hill. Secondly, you watch the first 3 cars in each line to make sure they get loaded. Then they look for a signal from the person in the back before releasing cars. If a student is missing and it is time to release cars this person is responsible for pulling that car forward and out of the way so we may remain efficient in time.
Back of the Line – Gives a thumbs up to the door person to release students after successfully lining cars up and ALL cars are at a complete STOP. Again, the parents need direction on which way to go. It is very difficult to drive a car up the hill and see the other vehicles. They rely on this person for direction and reassurance that they have plenty of room to maneuver. They then check the back cars of each line to ensure all students have been picked up. Starting at the back of the line, walk to the front of the line to ensure that all students have been safely picked up.
On the Lot Calling Out the Names – Please follow the routine of calling out the first row, then going in reverse order and calling the second row. If parents do not have the card, inform them that they will need to pick up their child in the office. This is to ensure their child’s safety. Parents need direction and wait for you to point to them before they move forward. Do not assume or expect parents to know what to do.
Teachers should walk remaining students to the offices that have not been picked up during the designated PPU time.
Emergency dismissal procedure
(For use with staggered bus arrivals)
Grades K-3 will pack up and move to the gym. 3rd will go to the cafe
Grade K-3 will sit in the predetermined area, in a straight line. Signs will be on the wall.
Grade K-3 will sit quietly to allow the teachers to hear the intercom.
Grade K-3 will exit through gym doors when bus arrives.
All teachers will stay with their class until all students are dismissed.
Grades 4-6 will dismiss directly from their classrooms.
Intercom will call when bus arrives.
Runner will come and get students by bus number
Faculty Meeting expectations
No side conversations.
Be respectful of each other and differing opinions.
Only discuss items that pertain to all. If there are questions specifically related to one person or grade level, save those for an appropriate time.
Be positive and attentive.
Lesson plan schedule
1st day 8/13
In classroom
Hallway & Bathroom expectations
2nd day 8/14
“Recess Round-up”
Playground expectations
3rd day 8/17
Bus Assembly
Bus dismissal areas
8/13 in classroom
Voice Level Poster
All settings
8/13 in classroom
Cafeteria expectations
School wide encouragement system procedures:
Why is Vineland Elementary focusing on giving “Praise referrals” to ALL students?
To increase student use of respectful, responsible, and safe behaviors!
To focus on positive social interactions between staff and students.
To help us all be more positive this school year!
Who can give a “Praise referral”?
Who can get a “Praise referral”?
Individual students who are doing their job of being Safe, Respectful, and Responsible
Any student who is being Safe, Respectful, and/or Responsible ANYWHERE in the building.
What do staff say when they give a praise referral?
The most important thing to remember about the “Praise referral” is to give a student specific, positive verbal feedback about how they are being Safe, Respectful, and/or Responsible.
Example 1: “Wow, Sue, you are being RESPECTFUL of others by walking quietly in the hall. Way to go?”
Example 2: “Joe, thanks for remembering to pick up your trash and being RESPONSIBLE in our cafeteria.
What do students do when they get a “Praise Referral?”
Students will be recognized in the office by having their picture taken, parents are called, and counselor presents award to student in their classroom. (i.e. certificate for free bowling from a local business, pencil, dog tag, etc.)
Why encourage appropriate behaviors
What is the Recognition of Appropriate Behavior?
Students and staff are given specific, positive, frequent verbal feedback when they demonstrate the desired social behavior skills.
A School Wide Recognition System Must Be:
Contingent: Must immediately follow desired behaviors rather than be applied as a general motivator.
Specific: Should describe the skill observed.
Frequent: At a high enough rate to change/maintain skills.
What is the Purpose of School Wide Recognition?
The purpose of school wide recognition is to acknowledge and show appreciation to students who have provided positive demonstrations of the school wide behavioral expectations.
How Much Performance Feedback Do Teachers Give?
Teachers are more likely to praise good work or answers then give criticism to poor work or answers, but are more likely to give criticism to poor behavior and less likely to give praise to appropriate behaviors (Brophy, 1980).
What Level of Positive Performance Feedback has proven effective?
Most research on the subject of performance feedback indicates that ratio of four positives to every one negative is the most effective (Brophy, 1980).
Why Are Schools Encouraged to Pair a Tangible Item with Giving Students Positive Verbal Performance Feedback?
Tangible items such as tickets, cards, ribbons, string, etc. are A REMINDER for adults give positive, specific verbal feedback to students.
The tangible help us BE ACCOUNTABLE for giving positive, specific verbal feedback.
Tangibles provide ALL STAFF with an efficient system for giving positive verbal performance feedback to any and all students. Tangible give faculty and support staff a tool to engage in a positive way with any student in the school. This can create a more positive culture in the school where we are “all in this together”.
Tangible give us a GROSS MEASURE of positive performance feedback statements given. When classes, teams, or grade levels reach their goals, students get to celebrate the success of staff giving positive feedback!
Tangibles are a UNIVERSAL SIGNAL to students that they have performed the expected social skill.
But Isn’t Giving Tangible Items a Form of Bribery?
Using a reward system is not the same as bribing a student to behave appropriately. A bribe is something offered or given to a person in a position of trust to influence or corrupt that person’s views or conduct. Appropriate behavior is acknowledged after has occurred. Rewards are earned, not offered as payoff in exchange for good behavior.
Don’t We Want Our Students to be Intrinsically Motivated?
Of course, our ultimate goal is for students to be naturally motivated. The reality is that schools give many tangible items for success in academics, sports, music, theater, etc. in the form of grades, trophies, medals, etc. Yet we continue to struggle with the idea of giving tangible items or verbal praise or feedback for success in social skills.
& Criteria
When & Where Presented
Free and Frequent
Star Students
Any student that is caught exhibiting the Vineland words respect, responsible, safe can be given a star, in which the student will place their name on and put in the office star jar.
Any staff to any student following expectations & rules, any location.
For EVERY student in the building to receive one star in each semester.
10 students are chosen each week and receive a small reward (treat and a pencil). 20 students are drawn and receive a larger incentive with the principal.
Grade Level PBIS Rep.
Student of the Month
One student from each class who has shown character directly related to the character education word for the month.
Office will acknowledge students over the intercom.
Students will be pictured in the district newspaper.
1 student per class per month
Office will acknowledge students over the intercom.
Students will be pictured in the district newspaper.
Mrs. Sproat (kindergarten Teacher)
Mrs. Johnson (counselor)
Praise Referrals
When a student goes above & beyond expectations.
Being “Caught with Character”.
Any staff member who sees a student going above and beyond the expectations.
More praise referrals than office referrals.
A building goal is for 20% (168 students) or more of the student body to receive a Praise referral.
Student will be recognized in the office by principal and/or counselor. Picture will be taken and displayed on school Facebook page.
Mr. Grindstaff
Ms. Stukey
Mrs. Johnson
Guiding hand
Palm of the Hand:
The Power of encourage is in the PALM of your hand from the start: Your Approach throughout: Calm, Respectful, Consistent, Specific, and Immediate
Teach and Review Expectations MATRIX
Use Pre-Corrects
Before: “In a moment, you can successfully meet expectations by doing _____, _____, and _____.
After: “In what ways were you just __________ (ex. Respectful)?
4:1 Positive to Negative Ratio
Continuum for Discouraging Minor Inappropriate Behavior
If misbehaviors arise after you’ve used the strategies in the palm of your hand, use the Continuum above to discourage further misbehavior. Intervention intensity increases as you move from thumb to pinky.
Proximal Praise
“Thumbs Up” reminds us to get up to circulate and target potential problem locations while giving praise to those students who ARE behaving appropriately.
Our pointer finger reminds us to point students in the right direction, redirecting them via a non-verbal prompt or by restating the expected behavior.
Our middle finger reminds us to stay centered, not reactive. Re-teach-tell, show, practice, praise.
Provide Choice
Our ring finger reminds us that we can’t be married to one approach. Provide students with choices while considering Function of Behavior.
Our pinky reminds us that students can feel small or unheard. Help them grow by listening to their perspective and developing win/win solutions together.
Vineland elementary behavior procedure
Minor Problem
Student engages in brief or low-intensity failure to respond to adult requests.
Student engages in low-intensity, but inappropriate disruption.
Dress Code
Student wears clothing that is near, but not within, the dress code guidelines defined by the school/district.
Inappropriate Language
(M-Inapp. Lan.)
Student engages in low-intensity instance of inappropriate behaviors.
Student engages in any other minor problem behaviors that do not fall within the above categories.
Physical Contact/ Physical Aggression
Student engages in non-serious, but inappropriate physical contact.
Property Misuse
(M-Prpty Misuse)
Student engages in low-intensity misuse of property.
Student arrives at class after the bell (or signal that class has started).
Technology Violation
Student engages in non-serious, but inappropriate (as defined by school) use of cell phone, pager, music/video players, camera, and/or computer.
After 3 repeated minor offenses, the behavior is considered a major offense.
Major Problem
Abusive Language/
Inappropriate Language/Profanity
(Inapp. Lan.)
Student delivers verbal messages that include swearing, name calling or use of words in an inappropriate way.
Student plans and/or participates in malicious burning in property.
Bomb Threat/ False Alarm
Student plans and/or participates of possible explosive materials being on-campus, near campus, and/or pending explosion.
Defiance/Disrespect/ Insubordination/ Non-Compliance
Student engages in refusal to follow direction, talks back and/or delivers socially rude interactions.
Student engages in behavior causing an interruption in a class or activity. Disruption includes sustained loud talk, yelling, or screaming; noise with materials; horseplay or roughhousing; and/or sustained out-of-seat behavior.
Dress Code Violation
Student wears clothing that does not fit within the dress code guidelines practiced by the school/district.
Fighting/ Physical Aggression
Student engages in actions involving serious physical contact where injury may occur (e.g., hitting, punching, hitting with an object, kicking, pulling hair, scratching, etc.)
Forgery/ Theft
Student is in possession of, having passed on, or being responsible for removing someone else’s property or has signed a person’s name without that person’s permission.
Gang Affiliation Display
(Gang Display)
Student uses gesture, dress, and/or speech to display affiliation with a gang.
Harassment/ Bullying
Student delivers disrespectful messages* (verbal or gestural) to another person that includes threats and intimidation, obscene gestures, pictures, or written notes.
*Disrespectful messages include negative comments based on race, religion, gender, age and/or national origin; sustained or intense verbal attacks based on ethnic origin, disabilities or other personal matters.
Inappropriate Display of Affection
(Inapp Affection)
Student engages in inappropriate, consensual (as defined by school) verbal and/or physical gestures/contact, of a sexual nature to another student/adult.
Inappropriate Location/ Out of Bounds Area
(Out of Bounds)
Student is in an area that is outside of school boundaries (as defined by school).
Student delivers message that is untrue and/or deliberately violates rules.
Other Behaviors
Student engages in problem behavior not listed.
Property Damage/Vandalism
(Prop Dam)
Student participates in an activity that results in destruction or disfigurement of property.
Skip Class
Student leaves or misses class without permission.
Student receives an “unexcused absence” for ½ day or more.
Student is late (as defined by the school) to class or the startup of the school day (and Tardy is not considered a minor problem behavior in the school).
Technology Violation
Student engages in inappropriate (as defined by school) use of cell phone, pager, music/video players, camera, and/or computer.
Use/Possession of Alcohol